Theatrum Libri 2, Printing Centers and Peripheries in the Early Modern Period
Theatrum Libri 2, Printing Centers and Peripheries in the Early Modern Period / Edited by Milda Kvizikevičiūtė, Viltė Stukaitė, Viktorija Vaitkevičiūtė. – Vilnius: Science and Encyclopedia Publishing Center of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, 2024. – p. 368
This peer-reviewed volume brings together 13 articles based on the international conference “Printing Centers and Peripheries in the Early Modern Period,” held to celebrate Vilnius’s 700th anniversary. The collection explores the dynamic interplay between major printing hubs and peripheral regions in shaping early modern European print culture. Organized into three thematic sections—Tracing the Footprints of Books, Hidden Histories, and Innovating Print—the articles examine book provenance, the contributions of underrepresented figures in publishing, and the evolution of printing techniques, including insights from digital humanities. This interdisciplinary volume highlights the diversity and innovation of early modern print culture, offering new perspectives on the history of book production and circulation.
eISSN 3030-1971 (ONLINE)
eISBN 978-609-405-267-5 (ONLINE)