Project Activities of Lithuanian Municipal Public Libraries in 1995–2017


  • Petras Biveinis Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania



projects, project activities of municipal public libraries, project topics, project sponsors, project partners


The article examines the project activities of Lithuanian municipal public libraries in 1995–2017. It consists of two parts. The first part is a review of project activities of libraries until 2007: it identifies the support of the Open Lithuania Foundation (OSFL) to libraries, discusses projects supported by international, national and local institutions, and describes the role of the Alliance Langas į ateitį (Window to the Future) in establishing public Internet access points and teaching the population computer literacy. The second part analyses the project activities of libraries in 2007–2017 by presenting quantitative indicators of projects of 2007, 2013, and 2015–2017 and finding out their dynamics. The analysis of project funding sources, sponsors, themes, and partnerships shows the change in their number and relative weight in the overall project structure. The article also determines the significance of the national projects Libraries for Innovation (2008–2012) and Libraries for Innovation 2 (December 2013 – November 2016) for libraries, their communities, and society.



How to Cite

Biveinis, P. (2021). Project Activities of Lithuanian Municipal Public Libraries in 1995–2017. Relevant Tomorrow, 1(19), 104–268.