Ewa Maria Marciniak

Name, surname
Ewa Maria Marciniak, (political scientist) Assistant Professor, ( doktor habilitowany)

University of Warsaw

Short biography
Academic teacher since 2000. In 2005-2016, deputy director of the Institute of Political Sciences, in 2016-2019 Director of the Institute of Political Sciences. Until 2020, deputy editor-in-chief of the Journal Political Studies, member of the scientific council of the Journal Studies and Analyzes of Political Sciences published by the Catholic University of Lublin. Doctorate in humanities in 2000, postdoctoral degree in political science in 2013. Member of the Political Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Member of the Polish Society of Social Communication.

Areas of scientific interests
Research concerns the subject of electoral behavior, election motivations, political leadership and political marketing, and political communication.

The most important publications
1. Relational Theory of Communication and Relationship Marketing in Politics, Studia Politologiczne, vol. 24/2012
2. Personalizacja zachowań wyborczych w kontekście modelu zgodności preferencji politycznych, wyd. Elipsa, Warszawa 2013
3. Mentoring in the Civil Service, in: The Transformations of the Civil Service in Pland in Comparison with International Exsperience, Peter Lang, Berlin 2018
4. Komunikacyjny wymiar przywództwa, w: Przywództwo, etyka, polityka, Warszawa 2018
5. Social Perception in Election 2019, Studia Politologiczne, vol. 55/ 2020

The most important achievements, awards
Awards of the Rector of the University of Warsaw for teaching and organizational activities,
Education quality certificate for the political science faculty awarded while being the director of the Institute of Political Science.

