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Author Guidelines

Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English and Lithuanian.

Structure of the Manuscript

The manuscript text file should contain elements that are requisite for a research work: a) introduction indicating the relevance, goal, objectives, method, and sources of the research as well as scope of previous research into the subject; b) the part presenting the theoretical and / or empirical research; c) conclusions; d) footnotes; and e) literature. The parts can have titles and subtitles. The submissions are subject to double-blind peer-review by two scholars.

The structure of the English manuscript’s text should be the following:

  • author’s name and surname;
  • author’s institutional affiliations;
  • e-mail address;
  • ORCID iD;
  • title;
  • abstract in English (no more than 1,000 characters (with spaces));
  • keywords in English (from 3 to 7 words);
  • the main text (from 0.75 to 2 author’s sheet);
  • references to literature and sources should be given at the bottom of the page following the examples below:

– a monograph:

Norkus, Z. An Unproclaimed Empire: The Grand Duchy of Lithuania: From the Wiewpoint of Comparative Historical Sociology of Empires. London: Routledge, 2018.

When citing the same monograph for a second, third, etc., time:
Norkus, Z. An Unproclaimed Empire: The Grand Duchy of Lithuania: From the Wiewpoint of Comparative Historical Sociology of Empires, p. xxx.

– an article published in a journal or book:

Norkus, Z.; Morkevičius, V.; Markevičiūtė, J. From Warfare to Welfare States? Social and Military Spending in the Baltic States 1918–1940. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2021, Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1–21.

Norkus, Z. Long Waves and Changes in the Structure of the Capitalist World System. In: Global Inequalities in World-Systems Perspective: Theoretical Debates and Methodological Innovations / Ed. by M. Boatca, A. Komlosy, H.-H. Nolte. London: Routledge, 2018. p. 78–93.

When citing the article from a journal or book for a second, third, etc., time:

Norkus, Z. Long Waves and Changes in the Structure of the Capitalist World System, p. xxx.

– electronic (online) document / text / article:

Lahayne, H. Žmogaus teisių infliacija., 2020.09.28. Retrieved from [accessed 21.08.2021].

ALA (American Library Association): COVID-19 Recovery: Making Connections during Crisis and Plothing the Path to Reopening. Retrieved from [accessed 21.08.2021].

– archival document:

Juozo Tumo laiškas Augustinui Liepiniui, Kaunas, 1931-08-16, In: Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekos Rankraščių skyrius (hereinafter – VUB RS), f. 1, b. F600, l. 10.

  • At the end of the manuscript, there should be the bibliography list, the entries of which should be alphabetised according the last names of the first author or the editor of each work following the examples below:

– monograph:

Norkus, Zenonas. An Unproclaimed Empire: The Grand Duchy of Lithuania: From the Wiewpoint of Comparative Historical Sociology of Empires.  London: Routledge, 2018. Doi: 

– article published in a book or journal:

Norkus, Zenonas; Morkevičius, Vaidas; Markevičiūtė, Jurgita. From Warfare to Welfare States? Social and Military Spending in the Baltic States 1918–1940. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2021, Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 1–21. Doi:

Norkus, Zenonas. Long Waves and Changes in the Structure of the Capitalist World System. In: Global Inequalities in World-Systems Perspective: Theoretical Debates and Methodological Innovations / Ed. by by Manuela Boatca, Andrea Komlosy, Hans-Heinrich Nolte. London: Routledge, 2018. p. 78–93.

– electronic (online) document / text / article:

Lahayne, Holger. Žmogaus teisių infliacija., 2020.09.28. Retrieved from [accessed 21.08.2021].

ALA (American Library Association): COVID-19 Recovery: Making Connections during Crisis and Plothing the Path to Reopening. Retrieved from [accessed 21.08.2021].


The electronic text of the manuscript prepared in line with the specified requirements is submitted to the Editorial Board online at In order to submit the text, registration (or logging in for registered authors) is required on the journal’s Website (the links Register and Log in). If you have questions regarding the preparation and submission of manuscripts, write at the e-mails or